Men’s Group
This group is for sharing and socializing, and just for Men or those who identify as such! Our meetings have a two-part format.
Part 1: We meet at church, second Wednesdays of the month at 7:00 p.m. We spend an hour checking in, maybe discussing a particular topic, and sharing at a more intimate level in the quiet setting of the church.
Part 2: Around 8:00 p.m the meeting moves to a local restaurant for beer, food and more informal discussion. Location of Part 2 may vary. Check with Scott Conklin at [email protected]
Women’s Group
Our women’s group meets once a month on the second Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. We usually have a topic that we discuss after we have had a chance to “check in,” sharing briefly about ourselves. Discussion topics are suggested by any participant and selected at the previous month’s meeting. Based on the topic, one member agrees to facilitate the group for one or more meetings. We meet in the community room of the Lynx condominium complex where one of our members lives. The room is directly across from D4, Lynx Drive, (off of North Fork) in Black Mountain. Specific topics are announced in the monthly newsletter or our weekly congregational email news. All women or those who identify as women are welcome!