Publishing Guidelines
Order of Service: We request that our guest speakers and Sunday Service Associates submit the sermon blurb, speaker photo and details two Tuesdays in advance to [email protected] as this information is published in The Current two weeks ahead.
The Current is our weekly digital newsletter, published every Thursday, keeping our congregation informed of upcoming events and news. Please specify by date which one or two issues you would like your item to be included. Any items to be included must be received on the preceding Tuesday by 12:00 p.m., send to the Office Manager at [email protected]. Please respect the deadline or your information may not be included.
- "Personal Notes" section in The Current: We wish to provide a way for UUSCVers to let people know of their pet projects that may be of interest to our community. The "FYI" section is devoted to those announcements. Please follow these guidelines:Submit item to the Office Manager by Tuesday noon prior to the Thursday you want your item to appear (her office hours are on Tuesday and Thursday only). Acceptable items/information include projects for which there is a social action/justice, altruistic, educational or supportive component. Unacceptable items would be political messages, personal clothing, household items or cars for sale. The Current reserves the right to edit for space and/or style.
Tidings is our quarterly e-journal which incorporates poetry, music, photos, and articles about members and groups. It is published on the first day of the month, upcoming themes are published in The Current. Send submissions to at [email protected] by the 25th of the preceding month.
Online Calendar: Teams shall regularly review the calendar and inform the Office Manager of any additions or corrections. Send updates to [email protected].
Facebook: The Communications Committee coordinates articles and information for the UUCSV Facebook page. Submit items to [email protected]
Website: Suggestions and feedback welcome. Send updates to the Office Manager at [email protected]
Member News regarding any address, phone, or email changes as well as celebrating your birthday month should be sent to Carol Sheeler at [email protected].