Highlights on How We Got Here
- September 2000 - Monthly services, Organizing leaders: Mary Alm and Allie Gooding from the UU Church in Asheville
- September 2001 - Weekly services in Black Mountain
- September 30, 2001 - Charter Sunday with 46 members
- January 2002 - Become UUA member congregation
- March 2002 - Sunday services move to Primary School - Children's RE grows
- July 2002 - First Consulting Minister, Rev. Amy Brooks
- September 2002 - Mission and Covenant completed
- November 2002 - Board Vision Retreat
- March 2003 - Congregational Visioning and Potluck at Library
- July 2003 - First paid RE coordinator, Linda Harrison
- October 2003 - Second Consulting Minister, Rev. Dick Stennett - Become UCONCI members
- March 2004 - Board learns of property - Makes offer contingent on congregation approval
- April 2004 - Congregation approves, launches Capital Campaign
- July 4, 2004 - First service in new church building
- August 14, 2004 - Dedication of new church home Featured Speaker, Rev. William Sinkford
- December 2004 - Congregation decides to expand the space inside the building
- March 2005 - Remodeled sanctuary and RE rooms completed under the direction of Kevin Campbell
- April 2005 - First Trillium: A Festival of Follies and Flings
- June 2005 - First Coming of Age group goes to Boston
- Jul, 2005 - First paid Office Administrator, Tim Perry
- January 2006 - Chalice Lighter Grant received - Dick Stennett's last service as Consulting Minister
- February 2006 - Covenant Groups formed
- March 2006 - Heidi Blozan hired as RE Coordinator
- May 2006 - Rev. Dick Stennett named UUCSV Minister Emeritus
- July 2006 - Process to become a Welcoming Congregation begins
- January 2007 - Sybil Argintar hired as RE Coordinator
- September 2007 - Voted unanimously (57-0) to affirm that we are a Welcoming Congregation
- April 2008 - Payed Off Mortgage on Building
- November 2008 - Sally Beth Shore hired as Consulting Student Minister
- July 2009 - Sally Beth Shore hired as Intern Minister for 18 months
- September 2009 - Accredited as a Green Sanctuary
- August 2012 - Rev. Michael Carter hired as half time Consulting Minister
- January 2014 - Patricia Fahey hired as RE Coordinator
- June 2014 - Second Chalice Lighter Grant received